Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Painting again at last

Hi Chaps,

Well the week off is amazing. Everyday so far I have been able to paint something a little bit different and it feels good. Now with my painting itch scratched it may be time for some games-Bolt Action is the favourite for a quick game and rules learning session.

I have used up a few hours free time watching videos on youtube on how to photograph miniatures and whilst it has been helpful I think I do need more lights. The following pics were taken at 18" and I may close this gap to 12" for the next set-macro was off.

The above shows my little painting corner (it extends another 8" to the left), it is small but if kept reasonably clear it meets my needs.

The guys above are really very detailed and I decided that rather than spend more time on them I would call it a day otherwise I would never finish an army. Even painting 4 figures a day it will take a long time to complete the box.

Later this week I will make a start on the Russian heavy weapons teams for Bolt action, I do have a German infantry unit and mortar to work on as well. Pretty soon my shelves will be full again but given how much effort the fantasy stuff takes I doubt I will ever part with them, more than likely I will have to buy a larger cabinet.

Keep blogging guys you get me through the long dark days at work

Sunday, 21 January 2018

Games Workshop I approve.

Hi Chaps,For most of us this hobby can be pretty expensive and time consuming. I do love history and reading is an important part of my hobby but work and family commitments last year meant that I did not get to read much at all. (Anthony Beevors Stalingrad was the star book of the year).

So over the holiday period I decided I would try a new approach. This year I will keep to three projects, the first is the Bolt Action German and Russian armies which are now underway. The second I decided would be Age of Sigmar and the third is my get out clause should I see something new later in the year.

Both of this years projects have one thing in common, rules, figures and scenarios can all come from the same source. This will save me time and effort and hours of internet distraction (although this may not be so true for the Bolt Action stuff as I have already strayed from Warlord to buy some radio operators from Black Tree Designs).

So I paid £64 for the Age of Sigmar starter set and I have to say it is amazing. There is a lot (a lot) of troops and even the rank and file are of exceptional quality. Should I need any fantasy figures for Frostgrave the rank and file would be good enough for characters they are that good!

So impressed was I that I have bought the heroes basing set to plop my commanders onto. Background is included and is easy reading but I am not that motivated by the setting, this was most certainly bought for the figures. Games Workshop have really upped their game recently with their starter sets and collecting boxes. During the week-I have a week off- I will post some progress to all this new found love for a British company.

Have a good evening Chaps I am off to glue and stick into the small hours.

Friday, 12 January 2018


Hi Chaps,

For the first time in my life I have experienced the flu. This was the real deal and what a miserable experience it was. Almost 2 weeks now and although I am much improved I am still as weak as a kitten and pretty miffed by it all.

Anyway the time off work has let me (eventually) look up some photo's and even paint some figures. It would be nice to have more time and the 50 plus hours I am spending at work each week is going to be cut down....I am time poor at the moment which makes a change from cash poor but a better bealance will have to be found. I miss painting!

The Russians have now doubled in number and the heavy weapons teams are awaiting an undercoat. The Plastic Soldier Company Russian 28mm army deal is the best buy in wargaming at the moment. For less than £40 I have an army and with the addition of a few LLedo vehicles a bit of transport!

Keep blogging Chaps, I am off to plan the invasion of the USSR.