Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Age of Sigmar Painting

Hi Chaps,

Well I am still on holiday and what a pleasure it is to get two weeks off together! This has given me enough time to complete some chores and even get some painting in. Indeed the painting has been a little slow as I am using the guide that came with the Age of Sigmar box-I don't even know the names for the figures or monsters involved but they have so much detail on them that they take an age to paint.

The bad guys (I assume?) are especially time consuming and well done Games Workshop in producing these miniature works of art. I am not so sure what a novice painting his first figures would think of tackling these little devils-maybe that was put right in the second starter release as the nurgle types look a little easier to paint?

The three riders above (Palladors?) I bought off ebay for less than £20 and still on the sprue! They seem to be £35 on GW's website so I actually may have won one at last. Still I have had my fill of fantasy this week and will complete the Russian 28mm weapons teams next.

Photography wise I need another light and maybe a booth but it is getting there very slowly...

When I can muster the energy I will sell a few unfinished figures/projects on the famous fleabay probably to raise more money to fill out the ranks of my German 28mm. Maybe I will be able to talk my son into a game but being away from the internet and his guitar for more than an hour causes him some discomfort!

Keep blogging Chaps it feeds my daydreams at work.