Monday, 23 March 2020

Isolation is Bliss to a Solo Gamer!

Hi Chaps,

I pray that you are all healthy and avoiding the virus?

On to business... the UK is in "lockdown" which makes sense to me and as a solo gamer makes very little difference... work will continue as will my hobby though disaster has struck on the figure front.

As I am sure you have all experienced I wanted to paint a period that I had no figures for! Usually I do not watch TV but I am now on the third series of Narcos and to my shame I am thoroughly enjoying it! So having sold my modern figures I have ordered a few more from Empress... will they arrive before I return to work?

I do have clear outs of figures and have no regrets as my painting moves on and well I enjoy painting! One thing I will not be clearing out is the second edition of Spectre Miniatures modern ruleset. Over the last few days I have been reading this manual and with the handful of figures that I still possess trying to work out the rules-great fun.

So with a 3 foot square board and plenty of time for two weeks I am left with a dozen figures and about 50 zombies. What will you guys be getting up to?

Stay safe and enjoy the ride.

Sunday, 8 March 2020

Sick just in time for the weekend.... typical

Hi Chaps,

Well the weekend finally arrived only for the cold I had been valiantly fighting all week to cut me down for the last two days! Obviously this is a case of man flu and its to the death but I did still manage to start some figures. I purchased an Ogre by Reaper which on the packaging in forms one not to use a spray undercoat... indeed no undercoat at all. During painting I felt that the paint was running away from crevices and not covering as it should. Still after a few coats it did seem to work and I am now the proud owner of an Ogre for the princely sum of £6.70 delivered.

The Tau are time consuming to paint and a bit repetitive but once done I can tick them off the miniature bucket list.

Well I hope that your weekend was more fun than mine Guys and Gals (ugh that sounds too much like Jimmy Saville! Ugh).

Keep Blogging Chaps.

Monday, 2 March 2020

The Tau of Painting Mini's

Hi Chaps,

Of course the above should read Tao, it's a lazy play on words but I was at work before 6 and its a Monday...

I have long wanted to paint the Tau miniatures from Games Workshop and attempted them once before but this time its going to be a proper attempt. Who knows this may be the start of something beautiful between myself and 40K? The other day I downloaded the Battle Primer from the Games Workshop website and it does look a lot more user friendly... we shall see.

Blogger has started to delete things after I attempt to put a pic on it which has been driving me nuts so I may even move over to a paid for site where I can have a little more control and a few more features...

Please find below a pic of the new toys and my ancient Codex for the Tau...

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Last of the Zombies.

Hi Chaps,

I have just completed the last of a box of zombies from the Zombicide board game, having never played the game I have no idea if it is any good but I can confirm that the zombie figures are well detailed and fun to paint. Please forgive the somewhat slanted pic...

A white undercoat and a few quick base coats then a couple of different washes then highlight. Quick and simple which is handy because zombie games require a LOT of undead. The best zombie rules that I have come across were free on the net by Akula "Nightmare on froth street" I do wonder if they made it into print as they are excellent?

The buildings behind the figures are being put together a little at a time each day after work and I am now at the "first fix" stage of adding door and window frames. A few more are in the planning stage and will be a little more elaborate.... I coat the buildings with a mix of PVA and poundland filler-it dries rock hard and gives strength to the foamboard but needs sanding before painting.

Have a good week Chaps and keep blogging!