Sunday, 16 November 2014

Bolt Action Germans and GW Empire

Hi Chaps,

This week has been a total miniature adventure-real life has been put aside (as much as is possible) because I have been reading the Bolt Action rule book and painting furiously at night. (can one paint furiously?).

It was back in the mists of time since I have felt so positive about this hobby, even if I never have a game of bolt action I have been enthused by it's new (to me) turn mechanism and it's simple mechanics, so enthused that I went and purchased some German Warlord infantry to paint. I also ordered a HMG and mortar team from Northstar, it will be nice to see if they mix in...if they do I need a few other bits to complete my infantry.

The first German section was painted using Codex Grey as the Vallejo reed green made me dizzy, the second unit are Vallejo German field grey, it was trial and error as you can see. The Imperial tropps were from Ebay, there is another unit waiting to be painted up, they seemed to be a relief from all that grey!

The Russians ill come via The Plastic Soldier Company in the form of an army box-£35 for 57 infantry, HMG's and a couple of artillery pieces!

Keep blogging Chaps.


  1. Bravo! I've got some of these, only partially finished, of course; but they are are nice ;)

    1. Thanks Monty I think partly finished describes every war gamer's collection. I always seem to add another small detail or I am missing a unit...frustrating but on the other hand it keeps us busy.

  2. The Warlord Germans look terrific. I'm going to try and paint furiously, it seems to produce great results.

  3. Nice work on the Germans. I must get back into mine sometime soon!

  4. So bolt action is that good then?

    1. I really like the set Robert, I think they actually make sense in that units will get a turn randomly.

  5. Well done, they look great!
