Monday, 24 November 2014

Scratch Build and the Plastic Soldier Company

Hi Chaps,

A rare Monday morning post but I just wanted to pop a few pictures of the scratch build from Friday night onto the blog and also mention the Plastic Soldier Company.

having only recently discovered the excellent Bolt Action rule set I am in the (expensive for me) process of building two opposing forces, German and Russian. The Russians have come via The Plastic Soldier Company and are amazing value for money. I was expecting very dodgy models because they were so cheap but actually the quality and quantity is just amazing-probably the best money I have ever spent in this hobby.

This company deserve to do well and maybe they will even release other nations in time?

As for the drunken scratch build it is a very simple foam card shape with a pair of pillars that I bought from ebay...they were literally pennies...the paint used on this are all tester pots from the DIY stores, chocolate brown being the most useful as I use it on all my bases. There are still a few spots to repaint and I will put some dull colours on the interior walls. I plan to make a few more as they should help fill up my table nicely.


  1. Thats a great looking piece. Well done.

  2. I do love that scratch build, the weathering on it is amazing!

  3. Great stuff and many thanks for the extra piccies. Much appreciated :-)

  4. The paint in the building really makes it the weathering is fantastic. The Plastic solder company deal is amazing you're making me re-think the cost of getting into Bolt Action.

  5. The rule book is on Amazon for around 11 pounds and it is amazing.My Russians cost £38.50 delivered...I wont need to buy any more of these, in fact there are probably too many! I wish that they would release the Germans in 28mm because I would buy them on the day of release. Go for know you should!

  6. That's a dam fine build dude!

  7. Excellent work! I agree too; PSC are a great company - love 'em!

  8. The PSC are great. The T-34's are great as well as you get both 76 AND 85 turrets so you can swap them out as need be!

  9. I wondered what the tanks would be like...I will have to buy some after Christmas

  10. Excellent work on the ruined terrain. :)
