Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Communists in Thailand....

Hi Chaps,

I have previously posted pics from roadside museums in Thailand but my wife Oijai just sent me a few more from a mountainous area in the North. The equipment certainly has some "groovy" colour schemes and would be a great alternative for those extra Vietnam figures that you bought by accident. By the way M113's etc are still in use as are Willis jeeps and all manner of what we would consider vintage artillery pieces!

These little museums have been built on old military bases, the mortar pits and artillery parks have just been left and I assume that the exhibits are abandoned pieces of kit. If you ever visit do not go picking up any shells or handle the ammo of any sort.....

Cambodia is far worse on the safety issue but if you talk nice to the military guys there they will usually get you onto their base and have a look around. For a few US dollars they will let you onto the range. Be warned though they always seem drunk! George Best/Gazza drunk not just tipsy.

The bulldozer is an essential part of any attempt to build anything out in the far east, plants seem to spring up overnight....love the armour on it!

Keep gaming and blogging Chaps!


  1. Wow, that really is groovy! Fascinating shots, with the exhibits just quietly rotting away.

    1. Yes, they just seem to stand alone-very few people bother with them. A beautiful skyraider just 1km from our house was refurbished last year though.

  2. The Camo really breaks up the M113.

    1. They use very strange colours but were years ahead of the west regarding digital patterns.

  3. Good that they actually label them properly, too.

    1. Yes they do seem to make an effort, it's such a pity that so few people ever seem to look around the exhibits though.

  4. Great shots!
    the M113 looks like something from a very early computer game. All pixelated.
