Thursday, 16 January 2014

Hi All,

I have just ordered this as a treat to self along with some scratch building materials...balsa sheets, balsa shaped wood, Willis windows and some foam board. Great to be playing with toys at 47! Hopefully I will have a couple more buildings for my Victorian board by the end of the week....its the strangest thing but I have misplaced all but two of my D10s so I also have 15 of those on the way from Amazon.

Just as an afterthought I must have in the region of 100 dice and I cant remember where I bought even one of them! How many dice do you chaps own? What is the average number of dice (OK die) owned by the average war gamer I wonder?

Keep blogging lads I need to copy your stuff!


  1. Dice? Probably upwards of 2-300. Some were bought to match specific army colour schemes. Never improved my actual rolling.

  2. Wow so many! You know I have never heard of anyone matching their dice colours to an army colour scheme-that is damned impressive!

  3. I think I may be in the 300+ range of dice.

  4. I can't even find my dice as they all fell down the back of a pile of file boxes! I also can't find my IHMN rules but they must be in my room somewhere!

  5. Legatus,
    you get no sympathy mate. I have seen your posts and the totty that you work with. I hope to be reborn as your fingertips...yes I am immensely jealous.

  6. 50+ dice of various sizes in 2 big felt bags 3rd big felt bag full of dice was lost years ago.

  7. Well I am glad someone else loses dice Robert. I have no idea where they went...its either the alzhiemers kicking in or the alcohol...

    1. Buying a another big felt bag of dice feels weird at our age!
