Thursday 24 January 2013

The Assault Group update

Thought I would post an update on my modern figures. The Assault Group sculpts are so easy to paint-I have been enjoying painting these tremendously...I would urge anyone to buy from this company as the service is first class.

Today was the first day of sunshine in weeks so I popped into the garden to take some snaps...the neighbours already think that I am odd so I do not care!
Why is it that I rarely ever think that an army is complete? Are you chaps the same? Just when I think that I'm done another must have unit springs to mind!


  1. They look great, I don't know about another unit but another version of the same army springs to mind and with a different paint scheme.

  2. Absolutely tremendous, very tempting.

  3. Thanks Chaps. They are easy figures to paint, I suppose an army would naturally be small for wargaming purposes, its a good period to dip in and out of.
